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The trading volume on the Spanish Exchange reached in September €62.06 bn., up 29%

1 October, 2014
  • The equity trading volume to the end of September was up 27% on the year
  • The number of trades in September was up 15%, at 5.4 million
  • ETF trading volume grows 96% from the same period last year
  • The number of Derivatives contracts up to September grew a 9%
  • Corporate Debt trading to September gets close to a €trillion. Trading to maturity grows a 34%, to € 287.9 billion


The equity trading volume on the Spanish Stock Exchange in September came in at €62.06 billion, 29% higher than in the same month in 2013, representing the best month of September in the last 4 years. The trading volume to the end of September was €613.37 billion, up 27% from the same period in 2013.   

The number of trades in September came in at 5.4 million, up 15% year-on-year. To the end of September the number of trades exceeded 50.1 million, up 51% from the same period a year earlier.

As for the ETF segment, in September the trading volume was €687.1 million, up 96% from September 2013. The trading volume to the end of September came in at €7.07 billion, up 183% from the same period a year earlier. The number of ETFs trades in September totaled 9,238, while in the first nine months it totaled 76,471 trades, with year-on-year growth rates of 64%and 63%, respectively.

The trading volume on the Warrants and Certificates market to the end of September totaled €611 million, up 4% from the same period in 2013. The trading volume in this segment was €64.6 million, up 23% from the same period in 2013.The number of Warrants and Certificates admitted to trading in 2014 stands at 5,611.

Futures and Options

The trading volume in September in the Derivatives market came in at 5.1 million contracts, up 102% year-on-year. From January to September the trading volume totaled 41.4 million contracts, 9% higher than in the same period last year.

In September it is worth mentioning the heavy trading in derivatives linked to IBEX35 Index Stock Futures, which grew 31% to 559,385 contracts and in IBEX Mini Index Futures, at 229,579 contracts, up 57% year-on-year. The trading in Index Options grew up 107%, at 690,399 contracts.

There is a steep increment on the open position of Stock Dividend Futures, that increases a 100% year-on-year, reaching 86,496 contracts.

Corporate Debt

The trading volume on the Corporate Debt market in the first three quarters of the year reached €935.2 billion, down 6.9% year on year, while trading to maturity grew a 34% to € 287.9 billion in the first nine months of 2014.

The Public Debt traded by retail investors on the SEND platform from January to September reached €1.9 billion, with €220 million traded in Public Debt instruments, up 184.7%, almost three times higher than volume traded in the same period in 2013.

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