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BME expands its post-trade and depository services

18 February, 2015


BME Securities Solutions is launched

BME has launched BME Securities Solutions, a set of post-trade, clearing and depository services for financial institutions.

The reform of the registration, clearing and settlement system, which will become operational in October, as well as the planned connection to Target 2 Securities (T2S), will modify existing systems of post-trade in Spain significantly.

Through of a modern technical management platform, BME offers institutions a technical and cost-effective solution that will allow them to be members of the Spanish Exchange, the CCP (BME Clearing) and the CSD (Iberclear)

This technical management solution provides firms with complex systems that comply with the requirements and procedures set out in these infrastructures. The platform offers the most advanced security and contingency systems and guarantees its operation every day of the year. 

To this end, three management modules have developed (post-trade, clearing and depository) that interact among themselves and with the real-time infrastructure, making transaction monitoring and management easy, fast and simple, from trading to settlement and registration. These management modules are already available in an initial voluntary testing phase for financial institutions that may request them.

A protocol to connect to Visual Trader, our routing technology subsidiary, has also been developed from this platform, which allows access to more than 50 markets, for information to trading members about customer securities and assets, as well as about the risks arising from transactions pending settlement. 


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