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NBI receives favourable report from MAB

10 March, 2015
  • An industrial company that designs, manufactures and sells bearings  in more than 50 countries  

The Coordination and Admissions Committee of the Mercado Alternativo Bursátil (MAB) has submitted to the Board of Directors a favourable report on NBI Bearings Europe, stating that the company is eligible for admission to the market’s Growth Companies segment following a thorough review of all the information presented by the company. The final approval of MAB’s Board of Directors is required before the shares of the company – the 27th to list on this market - can be admitted for trading.

NBI Bearings Europe´s Informative Document is available on MAB’s website (www.bolsasymercados.es/mab), where all the information about the company and its activities can be found.

GVC GAESCO VALORES is acting as Registered Adviser and BEKA FINANCE as Underwriter and Liquidity Provider. 

NBI Bearings Europe is a Spanish company that has - for more than a decade –researched, developed, designed, manufactured and marketed high performance, top-quality bearings. This has helped the company to become a solid and real alternative to the main European bearing manufacturers. The company sells its products in over 50 countries around the world.


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