

The product coding follows the following scheme. The first two characters identify the type of derivative:

Future FT
Swap SW
Mini Future  (0.1 MWh) FM
Mini Swap (0.1 MWh) SM

The product code is governed by the following rules:

  • The third character identifies the product type, Base (B) or Peak (P).
  • The fourth character identifies the settlement by cash (C).
  • Lastly, the delivery period and its detail is defined.
  • In the case of annual products, the year is denoted with two digits.
  • In the case of quarterly products, firstly one digit is used to denote the quarter, followed by two digits for the year.
  • In the case of monthly products, firstly three characters are used to denote the month, followed by two digits for the year.
  • In the case of weekly products, firstly, the week in the year is identified with two digits; afterwards either full week (K), business week (B) or weekend (E) is defined, followed by two digits for the year.
  • In the case of daily products, firstly the daily product is specified (D), followed by the day of the month, then three characters to denote the month and then two digits for the year.
BasePeakBase  Peak
Annual (CAL) FTBCCAL22  - FMBCCAL22 -
Quarterly (Q) SWBCQ122   - SMBCQ122  -

Monthly (M)

Full Week (WK) SWBCW03K22  - SMBCW03K22  -
Business Week (WB) -  FTPCW03B22 -  FMPCW03B22
Weekend (WE) SWBCW03E22   SMBCW03E22  -
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