

The product code is governed by the following rules:

Future Natural Gas FG
Spread Natural Gas TG
Day-Ahead Natural Gas SG
Future Liquefied Natural Gas FL
Spread Liquefied Natural Gas TL

For Gas contracts:

  • The first alphanumeric character indicates whether it is a Spot Contract (S), Future Contract (F), or Spread Contract (T).
  • The second character indicates that the underlying asset is Natural Gas (G) or Liquefied Natural Gas (L).
  • The third character indicates that the Delivery Area or Point is a Virtual Balancing Point (V) or Virtual Balancing Tank (T).
  • The fourth character indicates the specific Delivery Area or Point, which is Spain for the Spanish Virtual Balancing Point or Tank (S).
  • For contracts referenced to TTF, the fifth character indicates whether the reference is MA post-pricing delivery (M), MA pre-pricing delivery (N), or DA (D).
  • Then, it indicates whether the Delivery Period is annual (CAL), semi-annual (S), quarterly (Q), monthly (M), weekly (W), Balance of the month (BoM), Balance of the week (BoW), or daily (D).

*For more details, visit the Circular: C-ENE-2024-09-Contracts-listed-in-the-Gas-Products-Codification.pdf

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