

The product code is governed by the following rules:

Natural Gas Future FG
Day-Ahead SG
  • The first character identifies the type of derivative: futures or day-ahead.
  • The second character identifies the product type: Natural Gas (G).
  • The third character identifies the type of delivery area or point. Virtual (V).
  • The fourth character identifies the delivery area or point. Spain (S).
  • Lastly, the delivery period and its specifications are defined.
  • In the case of Annual products, the year is denoted with two digits.
  • In the case of Seasonal products, the season is denoted by WIN (Winter) and SUM (Summer), followed by the two digits for the year. For the Winter season, the year of the fourth quarter included in the winter season is used.
  • In the case of Quarterly products, firstly one digit is used to denote the quarter, followed by two digits for the year.
  • In the case of Monthly products, firstly three characters are used to denote the month, followed by two digits for the year.
  • In the case of Weekly products, firstly two characters are used to denote the week in the year. Then the complete week (K), followed by two digits for the year.
  • In the case of Day-Ahead products, firstly the day-ahead the product is specified (D), followed by the day of the month, then three characters to denote the month and then two digits for the year.
  • In the case of Weekly partial delivery products (BOW) or Monthly partial delivery products (BOM), firstly either the week or the month is identified. Then either "BOW" or "BOM" with three characters is added, followed by the date of the first delivery day on the partial delivery contract, expressed by four characters: two to denote the day (in number) and two to denote the day of the week (in letters as MO, TU, WE, etc.).
Delivery PeriodExample
Annual (CAL) FGVSCAL22
Seasonal (S) FGVSSSUM22
Quarterly (Q) FGVSQ122

Monthly (M)

Weekly (W) FGVSW40K22
Full Week (W)
Day-Ahead SGVSD29DEC21
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