
Fixed Income

BME-PC: Graphical User Interface for communication between the user and the different operating systems.

CA or ISA: Account type whose holder can be any natural or legal person where Client Position is displayed at any moment.

CCP: “Central Counterparty”, assigned name for the Clearing Houses.

CM: Clearing Member. Any member participating in a Clearing House that has the privilege to register trades on his behalf, on their client’s behalf and on behalf of other market participants.

CSD: Central Securities Depositaries in charge of the management of Registry, Clearing and Settlement Systems.

EOD: End of Day applies to all the processes run at the end of session in the CCP.

FI: Fixed Income. BME Clearing Segment.

GUI: “Graphical User Interface” that provides a simple visual environment to allow communication with the operating system.

ID:  Intraday applies to all the processes run during the session timetable.

IRL: Intra-Day Risk is the maximum quantity that a Clearing Member may owe to the CCP during a market session.

ISD: Intended Settlement Date.

ISIN: “International Securities Identification Number” developed in the international standard ISO 6166 and used for the identification of securities.

NCM: Non-Clearing Member, may exclusively request the register of trades for their Proprietary Account, for their Sponsored Proprietary Account or for Account of the entities of their group.

PA: Account type whose holder is a Member of the CCP and where members own's trades are recorded.

POA: Power of Attorney by which the Member gives BME Clearing the power to be able to instruct in its name.

Record Date: Day on which the issuer determines which positions are to be taken into account for the calculation of the Corporate Event adjustment.

SFTP: “Secure File Transfer Protocol”. Server to obtain the files at the end of session of BME Clearing.

SI: Settlement Instruction, deliver or receive securities and pay or collect cash between accounts of a T2S Actor and its counterparty. 

Strip: Debt strip is a segregation of a Fixed Income Security in many parts.

T2S: TARGET2-Securities (T2S) is the pan-European settlement platform implemented by the Eurosystem with the objective to provide harmonised and borderless core securities settlement services throughout Europe. 

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